Glossar & Links

Hier finden sich die wichtigsten Abkürzungen, die wir im Rahmen dieser Website verwenden. Gleichzeitig bieten wir hier auch Hyperlinks zu Organisationen und Webseiten an, die aus unserer Sicht interessante Informationen zu Nachhaltigkeits-Themen bereitstellen.

BESBiodiversity and Ecosystem Services
CFSConflict Free Smelter
CDP Carbon Disclosure Project
COP 10 Convention on Biological Diversity, Conference of the Parties 10
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
CSRD Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
EEA European Environment Agency
EHS Environment, Health and Safety
EICC Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition
ESG Environmental, Social & Governance
ESRS European Sustainability Reporting Standards
FNG Forum Nachhaltiger Geldanlagen e.V.
GeSI Global e-Sustainability Initiative
GRI Global Reporting Initiative
GRI G3 Global Reporting Initiative G3 Guidelines
GRI G4 Global Reporting Initiative G4 Guidelines
IADB Inter-American Development Bank
IFC International Finance Corporation
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITC Internet and Telecommunication
PE Private Equity
RSCM Responsible Supply Chain Management
RZB Raiffeisen Zentralbank
SIS Sustainable Investment Solutions
SRI Socially Responsible Investing
TEEB The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
UBS Union Bank of Switzerland
UNEP United Nations Environment Program
UNEP FI United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative
VC Venture Capital
VfUVerein für Umweltmanagement & Nachhaltigkeit in Finanzinstituten
WDP Water Disclosure Project