CONNEXIS References
Since its foundation in 1999 CONNEXIS has provided its services in the following regions
- Europe: Austria, Germany, Scandinavia, Switzerland, UK
- The Americas: Canada, Colombia, United States
- Asia: Indonesia, The Philippines
- Middle East & Northern Africa: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia
Reference Clients
CONNEXIS has worked for the following international customers:

Reference Projects
In the recent past CONNEXIS has completed the following reference projects:
- ESG Reporting According to GRI for International Machine Manufacturers (2021-2023)
- ESG Data Platform for Sustainable Finance Projects (2020)
- First ESG Investment Policy for Swiss Pension Fund (2018-19)
- Global Reporting Initiative G4 for Financial Institution (2015-17)
- Finance & Real Estate sector (2014)
- Global trends, threats & sustainability risks (2014)
- European Environment Agency (2014)
- Sustainability Reporting (2013)
- Energy Trading Company (2013)
- Swiss Federal Office for Environment & Nature, FOEN (2013)
- United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative, UNEP FI (2013)
- Export Credit Agency (2013)
- Responsible Supply Chain Management System for Premium Metal & Ceramics Supplier (2010)
In cooperation with Go.Sustain. CONNEXIS developed the first ESG reports for Interrol according to the GRI Standard. Interrol is a leading international manufacturer of unit load handling systems, internal logistics and automation, based in Switzerland.
Support for the establishment of a new ESG data platform for sustainable finance projects for Hitachi.
Development of the first ESG investment policy for Basellandschaftliche Pensionskasse (BLPK), the Swiss public-law pension fund that primarily manages the retirement benefits for the employees of the Kanton Basel-Landschaft, with assets under management (AUM) of approximately US$ 10bn.
Adaptation of the CSR reports of Swiss regional bank Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank (BLKB) to the new GRI G4 Standard, special emphasis on the process of Materiality Analysis
Materiality definition of corporate sustainability topics for strategy development, policies and management system evolution as well as stakeholder dialogue
Meta-analysis of selected publications from several organisations & applied to finance sector ESG risk management
Participation in the stakeholder process to the SOER 2015 environmental status report for Europe
Providing ESG details to Business and Sustainability Report by Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank (BLKB) for 2012, key topic ‘Sustainable Asset Management’
Corporate CSR status assessment and policy development for a major energy trading company, content and quality review of the company's first CSR status report
Presenting CONNEXIS’ flagship report on BES & Swiss industry developments & expectations at a conference of the Federal Office for Environment & Nature
Participation at UNEP FI bi-annual Global Roundtable in Beijing; analysing status of implementation of Chinese Green Banking regulation; impressions published in Handelsblatt (Jan 2014)
Review of banking practices regarding how far and deep sustainability issues are covered in products and services and how ESG stakeholders see it
Development of the industry-wide first Responsible Supply Chain Management (RSCM) System for H.C.Starck, a leading premium supplier of the technology metals tungsten, tantalum as well as high-performance ceramics.