CONNEXIS Responsible Supply Chain Management

More and more companies and organizations invest substantial amounts of time and resources into the improvement of their own, in-house ESG-CSR performance. Their supply chain, however, often remains a key weakness, making these companies vulnerable to third-party investigations and unforeseen events (e.g. accidents, etc.).


In order to address this vulnerability, Connexis provides its customers with key services to assess and improve the ESG-CSR performance of their domestic and international supply chains.

CONNEXIS Responsbile Supply Chain Management System (RSCMS)

In 2010 CONNEXIS developed the first certifiable Responsible Supply Chain Management (RSCM) system for ITC supplying industries

Tangible Results

CONNEXIS RSCM System at H.C.Starck Certified Seventh Consecutive Time

Tantal is a rare metal that is primarily used in the electronics industry (high capacity condensators, 60% of global production) as well as in the health industry (bone implants). Due to its occurrence and mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (50% of global supply together with Ruanda) Tantal is considered a conflict resource.

In 2010 CONNEXIS developed a RSCM System for H.C.Starck, a leading premium supplier of the technology metals tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium, and high-performance ceramics.

For seven years in a row H.C.Starck has been certified by the NGO Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI, previously CFSI) for the conflict-free processing of Tantal (see H.C.Starck Press Release)

This certification is especially important for H.C.Starck in the context of the new EU Regulation on Conflict Minerals.